• info@easylabs.org
  • 1-888-754-2713

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A established medicine expert

Conventional Medicine

The Conventional Medicine domain includes interpretations that were put together by top practicing physicians and medical experts in various medical fields. We rely on years of accumulated medical expertise and the most up to date medical knowledge and research. These interpretations provide clear and straightforward answers to what your lab test results mean for you based on your background, and what your options are moving forward, whether in follow up tests, preventive measures and available treatment options.

A integrative/functional medicine expert

Complementary Medicine

The Complementary and Alternative Medicine domain is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that seek to provide an alternative to conventional medicine. In particular, the interpretations in this domain seek to provide proactive insights in areas where traditional medicine may not allocated sufficient resources. These interpretations focus on complementary approaches that aim to educate and empower you to have better conversations with your physician and make better daily choices.


Frequently Asked Questions

Easylabs has a team of Canadian and American medical doctors who translate the common lab numbers into a comprehensible report that is tailored specifically for you! It takes into account your age, gender, and not only it explains to you the biology behind your results in simple English, but it also gives you tips and actionable ways to either maintain good health or to help you stir your results back to balance. In addition, our soon to be available premium services will allow for the selection of a perspective that patients may be particularly interested in, such as fertility, mental health, integrative medicine, and more. Each of these presents the same data but with additional insights from a medical specialist in that field.

100% -- Easylabs does not allow for any identifying information that may lead to the identification of the user. This is also reflected in the absence of a login option. We provide you with an anonymized token ID which you should save if you wish to come back to view, add, or change information. Helping you understand and manage your health does not require your personal information!

After browsing your report, you can save the link, print it, save it as a pdf, use it to compare your evolution from previous labs, and even share it with your family, friends or another healthcare provider for a 2nd opinion. Our reports also empower you to truly understand your results and to optimize the precious time you have with your doctor to ask the right questions.

We believe that we hold a social responsibility to progress the democratization of healthcare. As such, our standard report is 100% free. We believe that if our service is valuable, we would be able to monetize and generate revenue in various ways by engaging with providers, insurance companies, and other stakeholders.